Class 12 Chemistry

Class 12 Chemistry Video Lectures
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Course Features
- Lectures 129
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 83 Hours 52 Minutes
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, Hindi
- Students 239
- Assessments Yes
1.Solid State
- Introduction, Characteristics properties of the solid State, Comparison of States of Matter, Types of Solids, Classification Crystalline Solids
- Probing the structure of solids, Symmetry of Crystals, Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells
- 7 Crystal Systems + 14 Bravais Lattices, No. of Atoms in a Unit Cell
- 1-D & 2-D Space Lattice, Close packed Structure, Packing in 3-D and Voids
- Simple Cubic lattice, Close Packing in 3-D, Body Centered Cubic
- Close packing in 3-D, Arrangement of hexagonal close packed Sheet
- Problem Solving
- Limiting Radius Ratio, Size of void
- Structure of Some Representative Ionic Compounds
- Imperfection in Solid, Electrical Properties
- Solution and Colligative Properties, Mixtures , Liquid-liquid Solution, Expressing Concentration of Solution
- Relationship b/w Molarity & Molality, Solubility, Dissolution and Crystallization, Saturated, Unsaturated, Supersaturated Solution, Factor affecting Solubility
- Effect of Pressure, Henry’s Law and its Application and Limitations, Vapour Pressure of a Pure Liquid or a Pure Solid, V.P Of Liquid-Liquid Solution (Raoult’s Law)
- Application of Raoult’s Law, Temperature Vs Composition Phase Diagram, Limitation of Raoult’s Law, Azeotropic Mixtures
- Immiscible Liquids, Collogative Properties, Ostwald-walker Method for Determination of RLVP
- Dispersion in Freezing Point, Osmosis and Osmosis Pressure, and Problems Solving
- Problems Solving
- Introduction, Ion, Electrolyte, Electrode, Placing a Zinc rod in water
- Electrochemical Cell
- Function of Salt Bridge, LLJP, Electrode Potential, EMF or Cell Potential, Cell structure and Notation, Measurement of Electrode Potential, Standard Hydrogen Electrode, Electrochemical Series
- Using Electrochemical Series, Latimer Diagrams, Relation b/w EMF and Free energy (G), Nerst Equation
- Problems Solving
- Calculating Keq, Concentration Cell, Determination of pH of a solution with SHE
- Determination of pH of a Solution, Determination of Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Salts, Electrolytic Cells and Electrolysis
- Commercial Applications of electrolysis, Quantities Aspects of Electrolysis, faraday’s laws of Electrolysis
- Problems Solving, Conductance, Specific Conductance, Equivalent Conductance
- Molar Conductance, Ionic Conductance, Kohlrausch Law
- Batteries, Corrosion
4.Chemical Kinetics
- Why Study Chemical Kinetics?, Rate of Reaction, Measureing The Reaction Rate, For a Hypothetical Reaction, Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction, Laws of Mass action, Rate Law
- Some Typical Rate of Law Expression, Zero – order Reaction, 1st order Reaction
- Different Cases for Reactions
- Second Order Reactions, nth Order Reactions
- Dependence of Rate of Reaction on Temperature, For a reversible Reaction
- Molecularity, Theories of Reactions, Catalyst & Catalysis
- Complex Reactions (Reaction Mechanisms)
5.Surface Chemistry
- Introduction, Molecule, Adsorption, Thermodynamics of Adsorption, Types of Adsorption
- Factors Affecting Rate of Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherms, Application of Adsorption
- Catalysis and its types, Characteristics of Catalysis Reactions, Autocatalysis, Induced Catalysis, Adsorption Theory of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Importance Features of Solid Catalysis’s, Some Important Process and Their Catalysts, Enzyme Catalysis
- Colloids and its Classification
- Cleansing Action of Soaps, Preparation of Collides, Purification of Colloidal Solution, Properties of Colloidal Solutions
- Factors Affecting Coagulation, Protection of Colloids, Emulsions, Gel, Application of Colloids
- Introduction, Minerals and Ores, Isolation and Extraction of Metals from Their Ores, Problem Practices
- Metals are Extracted from the conc. ore by a Suitable Method, Gold Schmidt-Thermite Process
- Thermodynamics of Metallurgy (Ellingham Diagram)
- Purification or Refining of Metals, Electro-refining, Extraction of Iron
- Extraction of Copper, Tin, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sodium, Lead
- Group-15 Nitrogen Family, Oxidation Stain and Trends in Chemical Reactivity
- Anomalous Properties of Nitrogen, Reactivity towards H, O, X and Metals, Dinitrogen
- Hydrides of Nitrogen
- Nitric Acids and its Properties, Phosphorus, Phosphine
- Holmes’s Signal, Phosphorus Halides
- Oxo-acids of Phosphorus
- Oxidation States & Trends in Chemical Reactivity, Anomalous Behavior of Oxygen
- Dioxygen, Oxides
- Ozone, Test for Ozone, Sulphur -Allotropic Forms, Sulphur Dioxide
- Oxoacids of Sulphur, Sulphurous Acids & Peroxoacid Series, Suphuric Acid, Acid Lake, Sodium Thiosulphate
- Previous Year’s IIT-Problems, Halogens, Oxidation States & Trends in Chemical Reactivity
- Standard Reduction Potential, Contrasts in the chemistry of F2 and other Halogens, Florine
- Chlorine, Halogen Acids, Oxyacids of Halogens
- Interhalogen Compounds, CN- Acts as a pseudo-halide ion, Nobel Gases
8.D and F Block
- Introduction D-Block & Transition Elements, Unexpected e- Configuration, Physical Properties
- Physical Properties Cont., Oxidation States
- Standard Electrode Potential, Trends in Stability of Higher O.S., Trends in M3+/ M2+ SRP, Colour in Compounds, Catalytic Properties, Formation of Interstitial Compounds, Alloy Formation
- Mixed Oxides, Spinel, Salts Containing Oxyanions of Metals, Chromyl – Chloride Test, Quick Recap.
9.Coordination Compound
- Introduction, Simple Salts, Addition Compounds, Complex Ion
- Werner’s Theory and Postulates, Central Atom/Ion, Ligands
- Monodentals or Unidentate, Ambidentate Ligands, Coordination Number, Coordination Polyhedron, Ox. No. of Central Atom, Homoleptic and Heterolytic
- Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
- Isomerism in Coordination Compounds
- Stereoisomerism, Square Planar, Octahedral
- Optical Isomer
- Modern Theories of Bonding in Coordination Compounds
- Limitation of VBT, Crystal Field Theory
- Spectrochemical Series, Metal Ion Config.
- Crystal Field Splitting in Tetrahedral Coordination Entities, Colour in Coordination Compounds
- Limitation of CFT, Bonding in Metal Carbonyls, Stability of Coordination Compounds
10.Aromatic Compounds
- Introduction, Nomenclature, Reactions of Benzene, Thermodynamic Stability of Benzene, Molecular Orbital Explanation of the Structure of Benzene, Huckel’s Rule
- Addition Reactions of Benzene, Electrophilic Substitution, Halogenation, Nitration
- Sulfonation, Fried-craft Alkylation, Limitation of F.C. Alkylation, Fried-Craft Acylation, How do Substituents affect Reactivity?, Ortho-apar Directors
- Gattermann-Koch Reaction, Reaction with CO2, Wurtz-fitting Reaction, Side – Chain Reaction of Benzene Derivation
- Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Use of Protecting and Blocking Groups, Reduction of Aromatic Compounds
- Phenols, Preparation of Phenol, Acidic Character of Phenol, Other Reactions
- Some Reactions, Reactions with Formaldehyde
- Introduction, Stereoisomers, Conformation Isomerism, Newman & Sawhorse Projection, Factors Affecting Stability of Conformations
- Relative Stabilities of Cycloalkanes, Axial and Equatorial Position, Substituted Cyclohexane ring, Configurational Isomers
- Geometrical Isomerism, Naming of G.I. , Number of Geometrical Isomers
- Chirality and Stereochemistry, Stereoisomers, An object or molecule will be ochiral if it has certain elements of symmetry, Symmetry elements
- Properties of Enantiomers, Specific Rotation, Fischer Projection Formula, Configuration Nomenclature in Optical Isomers, R, S-Nomenclature, Naming of 3-D structures
- How to Convert Newman Projection-Fischer Projection, Racemic Mixture, Optical Purity, Enantiometric Excess, Optical Diastereomers, Molecules with More than one Chirality Center
- Molecules with More than one Chirality Center, Stereoselective Synthesis, Optical Resolution, Optical Activity without Asymmetric Carbon
- Alkyl and Aryl Halides, Chloroquine is used to treat Malaria, Structure of Alkyl Halides, Boiling Point, Interesting Alkyl Halides, Preparation of Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
- Characteristic Reactions, of Alkyl halide are substitution and Elimination, Leaving Group, Nucleophile
- Bimolecular or 2nd order Nucleophilic Substitution
- Ion – Pair Effect in SN1 Rxn, Factors Affecting the Rate of SN1, SNi(Internal Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction), Ambident Nucleophile
- SN1 Vs SN2, Structural Variations for the Sn1 and SN2 Reactions, Elimination Reactions, E2 Reaction, Saytzeff or Zaitsev Rule, E1 Reaction, Comparison of E1 and E2
- Haffmann Elimination, EicB-First Order w.r.t Conjugate Base
- Previous Year’s Problems
13.Alcohol and Ethers
- Introduction & Classification, Some Common Cyclic Ethers, Physical Properties of Alcohols & Ethers, Commercial and Industrial Methods for the synthesis of CH3-OH and CH3-CH2-OH
- Preparation of Alcohols, Preparation of Ethers
- Chemical Reactions of Alcohols, Leaving Group Derivativities of Alcohols
- Dehydrogenation of Alcohols with Heated Cu
- Pinacol-Pinacolone Rearrangement, Chemical Properties of Ethers
- Chemical Properties of Ethers Continues, Problems based on Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers
14.Grignard Reagent
- Organometallic Compounds, Introduction to Grignard Reagent and its Preparation, Structural Stability & Reactivity of G.R., Reaction with Different Compounds
- Reactions Involving Addition on Polar Pi-Bonds
- Reaction With Ester, Acids anhydride& Acid Halide
- Reaction With Epoxides
- Reaction With Reaction With Amides, O2, Inorganic Halides, Restrictions on the Use of G.R.
15.Aldehydes and Ketones
- Introduction, The Aroma of Raspberries, General Formula, Remember 3 Points, General Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds, Quick Recap of IUPAC naming, Preparation of Aldehydes and Ketones
- Rosenmund’s Reaction, Stephen’s Reaction, Problems Solving
- Chemical Reactions
- Beckmann Rearrangement in oximes, Alpha, Beta – Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds, Reactions due to Alpha-Hydrogen
- Crossed-aldol Condensation, Aldol Cyclization, Cross-Cannizzaro
- Clemmensen Reduction, Wolf-Kishner Reduction, Reaction with PCl5, Haloform Reactions, Benzoin Condensation, Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation, Oxidation of Aldehydes
16.Carboxylic Acids
- Introduction, Global Acrylic Acid Market, Structure of the Carboxyl Group, Physical Properties of Acids & Acids Derivatives, Methods of Preparation of Carboxylic Acids, Chemical Reactions of Carboxylic Acids
- Ortho Effect, Reactions Involving Replacement of -OH Group, Esterification, Anhydrides
- Decarboxylation Reactions, Decarboxylation of Beta-Keto Carboxylic Acids, Helt-Volhard Zelinsky Reaction
- Azides, Hydroxamic Acids, Reactions of Ketene, Migration to e-deficient Nitrogen
- Introduction, How do drigs affect neurotransmitters, Adrenaline, Nomenclature, Heterocyclic Amines
- Basicity of Amines
- Preparation of Amines, Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis
- Hafmann Degradation, Curtius Rearrangement
- Reactions of Aliphatic amines and Arylamines with HNO2, Rxn of 2 & 3 degree Arylamine with HNO2
- Separation of 1, 2, 3 degree Amines, Hofmann Elimination, Cope Elimination
- Problems Solving
- Introduction, Classification of Polymers, Types of Polymerization Reactions
- Polyesters, Some Important Condensation Polymerization Reactions Characteristic by Their linking Units, Rubber, Molecular Mass of Polymers, Biodegradable Polymers
- Polyesters, Some Important Condensation Polymerization Reactions Characteristic by Their linking Units, Rubber, Molecular Mass of Polymers, Biodegradable Polymers Problems Solving