Class 11 Chemistry

Class 11 Chemistry Video Lectures
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Course Features
- Lectures 148
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 99 Hours 7 Minutes
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, Hindi
- Students 263
- Assessments Yes
01. Mole Concept
- Introduction to chemistry and Matter
- Laws of Chemical Combination
- Atomic Mass, molecular Mass, Atomicity, Average Atomic Mass, Mole concept, Molar volume
- Percentage Composition, Calculating Empirical and Molecular Formulae
- Limiting Reagent
- Principle of Atom Conservation, Concentration Unit of Solution, Mole Fraction, Molarity,
- Dilution, Molality, Equivalent Weight, Normality, Equivalent Concept
02. Atomic Structure
- Butterfly’s color, Imaging Atoms, Structure of Atom
- Time line of Atomic Models, Discharge Tube Experiments, Charge to Mass ratio of Electrons
- Charge on the Electron, Discovery of Protons & Neutrons, Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford’s Exp.
- Nobel Metals, Bhor model of Atom, wave Nature of E.M Radiation, Wave,
- Particle Nature of E.M radiation, Black Body Radiation, Plank’s Quantum Theory, Photoelectric Effect
- Miscellaneous Questions
- Bhor’s Model for Hydrogen Atom and On its based Calculations
- Full Derivation of of Energy of an e- , Failure of Bhor’s Theory, Energy level Diagram
- Evidence for the Quantized Electronic energy level: Atomic Spectra, Line spectrum of Hydrogen
- Number of Spectral Lines, Dual Behavior of Matter
- Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle,
- Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom, The Schrodinger Question, Quantum Number
- Quantum Number-Azimuthal or Subsidiary , Magnetic , Spin
- Orbitals-s, p, d, Energies of Orbitals, Aufbau Principle, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rules of Maximum multiplicity
03. Periodic Properties
- Introduction; Moseley’s Law, Modern Periodic Law, Nomenclature rule for Z>100; Classification of Elements-s, p, d & d Block;
- Periodic Tends in Properties of Elements, Effective Nuclear Charge, Trends in Physical Properties,
- Ionization Enthalpy, electron affinity,
- Electronegativity, Periodic trends In Chemical Properties and Chemical Reactivity
04. Chemical Bonding
- Chemical Coding and Molecular structure, Lewis Concept, Kossel-Lewis Approach
- Octoate Rule, Ionic or Electrovalent bond, Covalent Bond
- Covalent Character in Ionic Compound(Fajariss Rule), Application & Exception of Fajaris Rule
- Lewis Structure
- Coordinate Bond, Formal Charge, Limitation of the Octet Rule, Lattice enthalpy
- Factor affecting Lattice Energy, Consequence of Lattice Energy, Diff. B/w Ionic & Covalent Compound
- Bond Enthalpy, Bond Order, Resonance, Polarity of Bond
- VSEPR Theory
- Predicting the Bond angle based on VSEPR, Orbital Overlap Concept, overlapping of Atomic Orbitals
- Types of Overlapping & Nature of Covalent Bond, Hybridization and its Requirements,
- Hybridization of Involving d-orbit, Finding Hybridization Quickly, Some more Concept on Dipole moment
- Some Important Trends, Summary of Types of Bond, Hydrogen Bond,
- Molecular Orbital Theory, Linear Combination of Atomic Orbital, Types of Molecular Orbitals,
- Application of MOT, Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules, Metallic Bond, Malleability & Cohesive force
05. States of Matter
- Intermolecular forces, Dispersion Or London Forces, Dipole-Dipole Force, Hydrogen Bond,
- Defining the state of a Substances, Pressure, Measurement of Patm, Manometers, Mechanical Equilibrium, Boyle’s Law, Charles Laws
- Gay-Lussac’s Law, Avogadro Law, Ideal Gas Equation, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
- Miscellaneous Questions
- The Kinetic Theory of Gas, Maxwell’s Distribution of Speeds
- Some Important Terms, Graham’s Law,
- Behavior of Real Gases, Variation of Vander Waals Equation, Boyle’s Temperature
- Limitation of Vander Waals Equation, Liquefaction of Gases, Vapour Pressure
- Introduction, Scope and limitation of Thermodynamics, types and State of System, Intensive and Extensive Properties
- Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics Process, Reversibility and Inversibility, Heat, F.L.O.T
- Internal Energy
- Heat Capacity
- Reversible & Irreversible Isochoric Process, Reversible Isobaric Process, Reversible Adiabatic Process
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Calculating heat, work, ΔU and ΔH during phase transition, thermochemistry, Hess law of constant summation
- Lattice Energy of a Crystal, Enthalpy of Solution, Enthalpy of Neutralization
- Enthalpy of Transition, Enthalpy of Atomization, Bond Enthalpy
- Enthalpy of transition, Enthalpy changes during phase Transformation, Enthalpy of atomization
- 2nd and 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, Gibbs energy and Spontaneity
- Gibbs Energy changes and Equilibrium, Effect of temp. on Spontaneity of Reaction, Combining 1st and 2nd Law
07. Chemical Equilibrium
- Carbon di oxide & ocean Acidification, Chemical Reactions, types of Equilibrium system,
- Physical Equilibrium, Eq.. involving dissolution of Solid or gases in liquids. Chemical Equilibrium, Nature of Chy. Eq.
- Law of Chemical Equilibrium, Law of Mass Action,
- Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Equilibrium, Equilibrium Constant Kp & Kc, Relation b/w Kp & Kc and Kp & Kx, Unit of Kp & Kc,
- Formation of NH3, Dissociation of PCl5,
- Quick Recap, Keq & Q to Predict,
- Characteristics of Keq & Factors affecting it, Degree of Dissociation,
- Le-Chatelier Principle,
- Application of Le-Chatelier’s Principle, Thermodynamics of Equilibrium
- Quick Recap
08. Ionic Equilibrium
- Ionic Equilibrium, Degree of Dissociation, Ostwald Dilution Law, Common Ion effect, Acids, bases & Salts,
- Leveling Effect, Acid-Base Equilibrium & Ionization Constants, Ionic Ware of Water, Acidity and pH scale,
- pH calculation of diff. types of Solutions
- Miscellaneous Questions, Factors affecting acid strength, pH of a mixture, Salt Hydrolysis,
- Miscellaneous Questions
- Buffer Solution, [Salts]/[Acids],
- Miscellaneous Questions and Titration
- Weak base-strong acid titration, Indicators, Condition for Precipitation,
- Common ion effect on Solubility, Condition for Precipitation,
09. Hydrogen
10. Redox
- Redox Reactions Introduction, About Oxidation & Reductions
- Classical Idea of Redox Reactions
- Redox Reactions in Terms of Electron Transfer Reactions, Competitive Transfer Reactions,
- Oxidation Number, Rules for calculation of Oxidation Number
- Stock Notation, Types of Redox Reactions
- Paradox of Fractional Oxidation Number
- Balancing of Redox Reactions-Oxidation Number
- Balancing of Redox Reactions-Ion-electron or Half -Reaction Method,
- Miscellaneous Questions
- Miscellaneous Questions based on Balancing
- Redox Reactions as the Basis for titrations , Redox reactions and Electrode Processes
11. S-Block
- Electrolyte Imbalance, Diagonal Relationship, Alkali Metals, Chemical Properties
- General Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali metals, Halides, Lattice Energy
- Anomalous Properties of Lithium, Points of similarities b/w Li & Mg
- Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide
- Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Solubility Trends for s-block element salts
- Reactivity of Alkaline Earth Metals
- Anomalous Behaviour of Be, Diagonal Relationship b/w Al & Be, Flame colors, Some important Compounds of Calcium, MgSO4, Calcium Sulphate
12. P-Block
- Group-13, First Member of Group, and Properties
- O.S and Trends in Chemical Reactivity, Reactivity towards air and acids & alkali and Halogens
- Anomalous Properties & Chemistry of Boron, Orthoboric Acid
- Element, Diborane, Breaking of Banana bond
- Aluminum, Basic uses of Al and B
- Group-14, Oxidation state & Trends in Chemical Reactivity, Reactivity towards Oxygen and water
- Reactivity towards Halogens, Anomalous Behaviors of Carbon
- Allotropes of Carbon, Uses of Carbon, Reactivity towards Acids
- Oxides of Carbon, Carbonic acid, Co2 Causes Green House Effect
- Carbides, Silicon Carbide, Silicon dioxide, Silicones
- Silicates, Zeolites
13. GOC
- Vital Force Theory, Organic Compounds, Formal Charge, Methane, Ethane, Restricted Rotation about the double bond, Writing Structural Formulas, 3-D Formulas
- Hybridization & Shapes, Electronegativity, Types of Carbon and Hydrogen atom
- IUPAC Nomenclature, Rules for Writing Radicals, Primary or n-alkyl, Iso – alkyl, Secondary alkyl, Tertiary Alkyl, Neo Alkyl, Naming of saturated hydrocarbons
- Some more Examples of Naming of Compound
- Isomerism
- Fundamental Concepts in Organic Reaction Mechanism, Electron Displacement effect in Covalent Bonds, Conjugation
- Resonance Energy, Rules for Writing Resonance Structures, Relative Stability of Canonical Forms, Resonance or Mesomeric Effect
- Steric Inhibition of Resonance, Hyperconjugation, Negative Hyperconjugation, Electrometric Effect, Aromatic, Non-aromatic and anti-aromatic character
- Reaction Intermediates, Stability of Carbocations, Rearrangements of Carbonation
- Carbanion, Free – Radicals, Miscellaneous Questions Based on Rearrangement
- Tautomerism, Miscellaneous Questions
- Geometry & Hybridization, Calculating Hybridization
14. Stereochemistry
- Introduction, Stereoisomers, Conformational Isomerism, Newman & Sawhorse Projection, Factors affecting Stability of Conformations
- Relatives stabilities of cycloalkanes, Axual and Equatorial Positions, Substituted Cyclohexane Ring, Configurational Isomers
- Geometrical Isomerism, Naming of G.I. Number of Geometrical Isomers
- Chirality and Stereochemistry, Stereoisomers, Symmetry Elements
- Properties of enantiomers, Specific Rotation, Configurational nomenclature in Optical Isomers, R, S-Nomenclature, Naming of 3-D Structures
- How to Convert Newman Projection, Racemic Mixture, Optical Purity, Enantiomeric Excess, Optical Diastereomers
- Molecules with more than one chirality center, Stereoselective Synthesis, Optical Resolution
15. Alkanes
16. Alkenes Alkynes
- Introduction to Alkenes & Alkynes, Nomenclature of Alkanes & Alkynes, degree of Unsaturation (DBE), Relative Stabilities of Alkenes, Bredt’s Rule
- Preparation of Alkenes and Alkynes
- Chemical Reactions of Alkenes & Alkynes
- Chemical Reactions of Alkenes & Alkynes
- Stereochemistry of Halogen-addition across C=C, Acid & Base-Catalyzed Opening of Epoxide
- Chemical Reactions of Alkane and Alkynes, Distinction b/w Alkane and Alkyne
- Miscellaneous Problems, Some Previous Years Problems
17. Aromatic Compounds
- Introduction to Aromatic Compounds, Nomenclature, Reaction of Benzene, Thermodynamic Stability of Benzene, Molecular orbital explanation of the structure of benzene, Huckel’s Rule
- Addition reactions of Benzene, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Friedel Craft Alkylation, Limitation of F.C Alkylation, Friedel Craft Acylation, How do Substituent affect Reactivity?
- Problem Solving, Wurtz-fitting Reaction, Side -chain Reaction of Benzene Derivatives
- Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Uses of Protecting and Blocking Groups, Reduction of Aromatic Compounds
- Phenols- IUPAC Names, Preparation, Acidic Character of Phenol, Other Reactions
- Other reactions continues, Reactions with Formaldehyde and Some problems